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Excellent condition
Hand Made
Comes in 6 sections

£2000 +VAT ono

Price is for table with two benches

Hand made wooden benches and tables
Excellent condition
The tables have recently been re-varnished

£120 +VAT each

| Quantity: 30
Recently re sprayed
Legs have been tightened
Excellent condition

£10 +VAT ono each

| Quantity: 120
Clean Pads
Recently tightened the legs

£20 +VAT ono each

| Quantity: 100

From £70 £55 VAT Free each

| Quantity: 10

£45 +VAT ono each

| Quantity: 250

£100 £90 +VAT each

| Quantity: 28

£35 +VAT each

| Quantity: 20
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